Complimentary BI: Your SaaS Solution in a Bad Economy

Designed to operate using a PC with a web browser, mobile devices, barcode or RIFD devices, on-demand Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) is tailor-made for companies of all sizes during bad economic times. SaaS dispenses with costly company owned server hardware and software and customized application, not to mention of full-time data center personnel. The vendor provides the server hardware data hosting and security, back-up and fail-over provisions, and product upgrades. The next generation of Saas offers business intelligence (BI) and analytics that are now indispensable tools for businesses to streamline operations and to get the best value for money. The new addition to SaaS solutions, Complimentary Business Intelligence (Complimentary BI) by Oco, Inc offers savings, fast implementation, custom targeted functionalities and built-in best practices features---all aimed at profitability, even viability, in a harsh economic environment. It deserves a closer look.

Complimentary BI is delivered as on demand SaaS and is designed to leverage existing BI framework. Data can come from varied sources, aside form the company's single data warehouse. Rather than addressing the entire enterprise, complimentary BI aims to focus on targeted business needs, with custom fuctionalities analytics and reporting, delivered in the shortest time possible (6 t0 8 weeks), at least possible cost (around $100,000 to $500,000) and with minimal strain to the IT personnel. Complimentary BI also provides functionalities to limited areas of operation, while not disrupting any on-going in-house enterprise level business intelligence development. It also aims to fill business knowledge gaps in in existing IT resources.

More info on Complementary BI is found at the website of Oco, Inc. You may download free white paper to learn more of Complimentary BI, compared to enterprise business intelligence. The CIO update - Gartner Research Free Newsletter is also available in the same site. Gartner's research document, entitled Survey of BI Purchase Drivers Show Need to New Approach to Business Intelligence gives you ideas how Complimentary BI may address the specific needs of your business.

The bad economy dictates well thought of scalpel approach to business intelligence solution that Complimentary BI offers. Developing Enterprise Business Intelligence that uses the hatchet or all-of-the-above strategy may be undesirable in tough times like this. Enterprise BI addresses the needs of the entire company, which is desirable in the long term, but it can take years to complete, may require full-time IT personnel, and may take many years before a return of investment becomes visible.